An ecological tool to identify the seeds from European marshlands

Authors : Legagneux, P.(1), Duhart, M.(1) & Schricke, V.(2)

1 : CEBC/CNRS UPR 1934 Carrefour de la Canauderie 79 360 Villiers en bois
2 : ONCFS/DER/ CNERA Avifaune Migratrice 53, rue Russeil 44 000 Nantes

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The aim of this web site is to provide a tool to identify seeds based on reference collections of pictures of seed species. The site should help both animal ecologists who work on diet of granivorous species and botanists, particularly those quantifying seed banks. It offers the possibility to a novice engaged in stomach content analysis (of ducks for example, see also Campredon et al. 1981) to find easily the family of the researched seed. Better identification (to species) could also be done using this tool or specialised books(Berggren 1969,1981 ; Anderberg 1994 for example).
The reference collections were extracted from plants and stomach contents from coastal sites(Baie du Mont Saint-Michel, Baie de Seine, Marais de Rochefort) and continental sites (Brenne, Dombes, Champagne humide). These collections were made as part of research programs into waterfowl diet led by the l'Office National de la Chasse et de la Faune Sauvage (ONCFS) and the Centre d'Études Biologiques de Chizé (CEBC / CNRS). The study sites are in France but can be considered representative of NW European marshes and wet meadows (Santamaria, 2002). While not exhaustive, the seed species list shows the most common seeds of European wet meadows. The photographs presented here are stored in a database where the following information is available  :

Authors of the reference collections :


Family selection -  Size selection -  Summary Table - Study Sites -  References -  Acknowledgments